YES Masterclass #2


The YES Masterclass #2 will be held in Porto in partnership with Interecycling (a company that recycles materials from electrical and electronic waste equipment). Based on the theme “landscapes of post-consumption”, the aim is to reflect on and experiment with different ways of looking at and thinking about the landscape, taking as a starting point the landscapes of ecocentres, landfills, objects and fragments left over from human activities, their production and transformation processes.

The YES Masterclass #2 program includes the opening session with visits to FBAUP and Centro de Arte Alberto Carneiro (CAAC), fieldwork/drawing sessions, participation in seminars with a movie session, and workshops. The work of the four main workshops will be developed in the close relationship between the ateliers and the museum space (oMuseu, FBAUP), where they will be exhibited at the end of the work week.

Workshop #1. Small Foundry to Artist Studio – Aluminium by sand casting of evaporable models. Led by Rui Ferro, from the provided materials, the workshop aims to analyse and discuss the trinomial process of sand tamping, evaporable models, and aluminium casting in search of space for freedom of plastic creation in artistic casting in a small format, possible to take place in an art studio, through the direct control of the author.

Workshop #2. Material narratives of obsolete objects. Led by Miguel Costa, the workshop aims to work as a collective and explore mapping practices, data analysis and group discussions associated with manipulating specific objects and materials to make visible other narratives of everyday objects. Students must work as a team to produce a collective result.

Workshop #3. Body and Matter: reuse and extension. Led by Rute Rosas, the workshop begins with the notions and potential of the body, action, the manufacture of extensions, and the reuse of materials, with the main objective of developing collective work: the parts and the whole. With the materials provided by Interecycling and discarded materials from the textile universe, our bodies extend into new, constructed bodies involving thinking and doing together. The procedures and constructions result in a Happening and an after of our bodies: the Soft Sculptures in the time and space of the FBAUP, oMuseu.

Workshop #4. “One thing gives birth to another”- Fragments and Objects from the end to the new beginning. The workshop, led by Norberto Jorge, aims to stimulate artistic creation, crossing it with the urgent need to recycle/reuse and valorise obsolete Objects or Fragments, usually defined as waste, surplus or trash. Experimenting, collectively, with different ways of looking and pondering will serve not only as an environment for technical thinking in our process of building a connection of affective sharing with the object, substance, form and body but also as an added reflection by the search for meaning, questioning or thought, about art, society, consumption and ephemerality, which will define our future.

Masterclass #2_booklet