
This visionary initiative brings together four prestigious European art and design institutions from France, Italy, Latvia, and Portugal in a shared educational mission. “Young European Sculpture” is a vibrant, collaborative project aimed at pioneering the first joint sculpture curriculum, set to transform how we cultivate and honor the next generation of sculptors.


The TALM School of Art and Design in France was created as three separate art schools in Tours, Angers and Le Mans merged in 2010. This change followed the introduction of the Bologna Process to streamline higher education across Europe. The new system required the three schools, previously governed by regional authorities, to become independent in order to be accredited to award higher education qualifications.
With three campuses, TALM is the third largest art school in France with over 700 students and 145 employees, including 105 teachers.
Located in Tours, Angers and Le Mans, three cities in and around the Loire Valley in north-west France, TALM is one of the region’s biggest cultural higher education providers.
TALM has a highly-skilled staff of professors – including artists, designers, architects, photographers, video makers, digital arts specialists, art historians and conservation and restoration experts – and support teams, in the areas of technical training, administration, human resources, international relations, project development and communication


The University of Porto comprises 14 faculties and over 50 R&D centres, combining high-quality education with excellence in research. The Faculty of Fine Arts (FBAUP) is dedicated to education, research and knowledge transfer in Art and Design, offering a range of undergraduate, graduate and PhD programs in Fine Arts, Arts Education and Design.i2ADS – Research Institute in Art, Design and Society is an R&D unit based at FBAUP and rated ‘Very Good’ by the Foundation of Science and Technology. Its mission is to promote the impact of artistic research in society through practice, technological innovation, and education. It brings together researchers in visual and performing arts, design, drawing and art education, working across six priority research programs: Art Education, Critique and Society; Artistic Practice, Politics and Social Engagement; Artistic Production, Processes and Technological Studies; Interculturality and Society; Computation, Hybrid Practices and Culture; Drawing across Disciplines. i2ADS supports the PhDs in Arts Education (DEA) and Fine Arts (DAP) from FBAUP.It holds an editorial line to support research publications within its programs.i2ADS is a member of the Society of Artistic Research (SAR) and EERA.


The Accademia di Belle Arti di Carrara was founded in 1769 and it is one of the most ancient academy of Europe. The Academy was created to promote the development of arts, while supporting the marble industry and trade. Nowadays, the Academy is a public institution of high culture that has as its purposes the elaboration, transmission and development of artistic knowledge. The Academy has a collection of about 300 plaster casts, ancient bas-reliefs, models and round casts of the first neoclassical masters such as Antonio Canova, Lorenzo Bartolini and Bertel Thorwaldsen. Traditional and contemporary sculpture coexists thanks to modern technologies (3D scanner and robot) and to the dialogue with artists coming from all over the world to visit marble quarries and local art workshops. The study programmes offered at the Academy: Bachelor’s (triennio) and Master’s (biennio) degrees divided in 6 different schools: Sculpture, Decoration, Painting, Graphics, Scenography, NTA, New Art Technologies. During 2022, we are going to activate four new cycles of
studies: Design, Illustration and Comics, Cinema and Photography, Art Didactics. 

The Academy enlists 850 students per year; 80 professors work there as well as 20 staff employees. The Accademia di Belle Arti di Carrara works actively with local institutions in order to organize exhibitions and events linked to local art and crafts workshops. The institution collaborates with the project Carrara Unesco Creative City and several other projects related to art and environment.

Latvijas Mākslas akadēmija

The Art Academy of Latvia (AAL) is a leading higher education institution and research competence centre in art and design in Latvia and it has a long history of internationally recognised work. One of the essential elements of our Academy is the spirit of innovation, embodied by traditions the diversity of which is captured in the programmes ranging “from pigment to pixel”. AAL was established in 1919 and has become an important art institution regionally and in Europe, providing enabling conditions for artistic creation and scientific research. AAL has always been the cradle of the Latvian art and culture, introducing the creative art space with numerous professionals highly appreciated both in Latvia and abroad. In order to promote the utmost development of the creative industries and their potential in Latvia, the main goal of the AAL is to provide qualitative, globally competitive education to the young talents in art and design. Study programmes Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in faculties and departments: Visual Arts (Painting, Graphic Art, Textile Art, Drawing); Visual Plastic Arts (Sculpture, Ceramics, Glass Art); Design (Functional Design, Environment Art, Fashion Design, Metal Design); Audio-visual Media Art (Visual Communication, Stage design, Motion, Image & Sound); History and Theory of Art (Restoration, History and Theory of Art and Culture). AAL also proposes an academic and practice-based arts third cycle degree, equivalent to a PhD programme.
AAL has 700 students 250 staff employees. More info